Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The "Shaft" Trolley Ride

One of the days we were out in San Francisco when we decided to take a tram ride. The trams added loads of character to the streets. They gave a little extra class to everything.

Anyways, we got onto a packed tram and ended up on the rear outside area. As we stood filming the city going by, this guy popped out from nowhere, he looked just like 'shaft' and was wearing a security like uniform and hat. He said "Hey, your standin' in my spot!" He was realy territorial over his little standing area. (Typical American who's authority went to his head..) ..was our initial thought until we gathered he meant it in a banter like manner.

There was a small yellow square on the floor to show us where not to stand, silly us. As the tram pulled away again Shaft started to yank with all his strength on this handle. He hurled his entire body weight into turning this handle and nearly knocked us right out of the moving tram. He continued to do this, not seeming to careb if he Bumped us out to our deaths.

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