Monday, September 04, 2006

Airport Fun

This is right after the attempted bombing of planes headed from the UK to USA. The damn terrorists have made check-in hell for us travelling folk.

First off as we checked in we found SSSS was printed at the base of our boarding pass. As we advanced to luggage scanning we were pulled aside as "VIP's". We were given the full on scan treatment like we were terrorists. They took everything out and scanned it thoroughly with all kind of gadgets.

As they scanned we asked them who decided to put this on our ticket to which we were informed that the process was "random". Funny how there was a long line in front and behind of people of Indian origin. Heck I didn't mind that we'd been singled out, it is the only way to be certain and we just need to get on and deal with it.

The thing that did annoy us however was that given liquids were banned, Bobbi still got through the thorough check with a bottle of eye-drops and a needle in her sewing kit. Then again later we brought a can of coke from a previous flight through in our hand luggage. If you are going to bash everyone's ears about security then at least check properly! Stupid security.

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