Friday, September 01, 2006

Let The Gambling Begin!

We started out sensible with only $10 to gamble. At the end of the evening we had won back our original $10 plus a further $14. From that moment on we decided to play only with our winnings.

This is where it got crazy. There were so many machines calling out for our money. Paul kept on going for the large winning ones with the $6,000,000 counters on the top. They cost big but pay out big. There was a huge wheel of fortune game where about 16 people play at once. During bonus round a huge wheel rotates and pays out (occasionally). For some reason we found ourselves playing on slot machines until the early hours of the morning without getting tired. We were later told that some casinos pump pure oxygen into the air to keep people awake so they gamble more.
Game On!

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