Sunday, August 20, 2006

Be Scared! Really Scared!

Again the news to blame here, they hammer you with terrorist fear here. They make people believe that they are at war like the country is constantly under attack. Guys, first off you haven't been attacked since 9/11 five years ago. Stop using such a tragedy to keep your hooky government in power. Iraq had nothing to do with Afganistan and never did. Attacking Iraq for oil control has just made these people angry. This blog post I have entered from UK because the USA has no freedom of speech anymore.

And what is this crap about tapping peoples lines? Yeah sure, sometimes it is necessary to keep the nation secure (so get a warrant). This was another example of a distorted story. If you disagreed with Bush being able to do as he pleases, suddenly you were said to be fine with America being attacked. Nobody disagrees with you tapping phone lines for security IDIOT! You just have to ask permission first because being elected president does not put you above the law!

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