Sunday, August 20, 2006

News Time

One thing that has put us off moving here is the news. FOX and CNN being the worst offenders. Each story is so one sided. They are so manipulative. For example they say things such as "For those of us who understand the big picture" and then go on to make their point. It makes the people believe that if they don't agree with what's being said, they must be stupid. On the rare occasion that they host a person with something to say, they belittle them in a very childish manner, preventing them from speaking. Even their debates are kept within very strict boundaries so that no matter which side of the debate you are on, your opinion is always a safe one (safe for the manipulative nazi's that run the country). The people here don't see what is going on and beleive everything they are told. They are made to feel that they are traitors to their own country if they question these things.

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